Saturday, April 19, 2008

Donation Day

Today we delivered the donated items to a camp of people dislocated from their homes and living in tents. We will write more details later, but I just wanted to include a few videos of the place today. Look for an update later.

This picture here is the group of people are basically the leaders of the tented camp area. They were instrumental in helping us get these donations delivered in a somewhat organized manner. The crippled man in the bottom left of the picture is the professor for the kids in the camp. There are over 60 kids and they meet under a 100 sqare foot tin roof covered slab of concrete.

This short video shows a glimpse of the people receiving the donated items and the volume of clothes remaining after about 80 of the 110 families. The little shack we are in is the school.

This short video shows a group of kids peeking under the side walls of the "school". It also shows a bunch of other kids excited to see what a video camera looks like and to see their faces on the screen. Most of these kids were shirtless when we arrived but the head camp lady asked them to go get a shirt on - I really just wanted to give them shirts first. It also shows a view of their camp (although far off).

This video show a group of young boys jumping rope (and pushing each other around a little). The other clips afterwards show short clips of the city streets. I wish I got more video of an area filled with water and mud, where people were clinging to the walls to walk from one side of the water to the other, tip toeing, belly to the wall, to keep their feet out of the water. The large mound in one clip is a huge refuse mound the city is working on relocating further out.

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