Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Helping Angola


This blog is meant to send a HUGE "Thank YOU" to all the people who
have lent a hand, money, clothes, time, and anything else to help the
people of Angola - and to serve as a viewing for others that may be
asked to help with donations for the people of Angola. We received so
far two big shipments of clothes, shoes, linens, medicines, school
supplies, toys, and more, one from Utah and one from Austin. We were
completely overcome as we opened the shipment and found numberless
volumes of not only used clothes, etc., but found that some people went
out and bought new towels, sheets, medicines, and even someone donated
their entire stock of beenie babies.
We are so excited to get these items delivered to the people in need,
and there are SOOOOOOOOOOO many people in need. The hardest part will
be determining where these items should go.

First, we want to provide you with some pictures and video of some of
the poor, tough conditions that exist here, so you can see personally
where your donated items will go (or already went). One of the main
locations Hallie volunteers at is the TB / Aids Hospital. It is a place
where people come to be treated, but a lot of people end up dying
there. Their conditions are terrible, with no food provided (must come
from their family members), and minimal living conditions. Here are
some pictures and video from the TB / Aids hospital:
guys have no muscles left, and with the way the get fed (or lack of)
they will probably never recover from TB (which is a very treatable
Hallie helped put up some of these mosquito nets, these guys were
incredibly grateful, such that they wouldn't have flies swarming them
at all times.

We will continue to add to the blog site with pictures and videos of when
we pass this stuff out. Again, we can't thank all of you enough for the
generous and willing donations you have given to this wonderful cause.
Please know that the items you donate are going directly to the ones in
need, without some portion going to "pay" for the overhead of such a
charitable contribution.

Thank You Thank You Thank You. The love all of
you have shown through your donations has brought our family to tears.
These donations will be more cherished than you will ever imagine.

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